
Buttercup yellow melon
Buttercup yellow melon

In addition to the Twilley waiver agreement, a Nunhems waiver agreement must be signed for any Nunhems watermelon variety. Waiver concerning all watermelon seed purchased from Otis S. We must have your signature on the order form if you are going to order more than 1,000 seeds or 1 lb of a variety. Please read the important information on the back of the order blank.

buttercup yellow melon

Nunheims triploid watermelons are marked with the following symbol:


There is a Nunheims triploid waiver agreement in the centerfold of the catalog and also available for download from our website. All implied warranties, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly excluded. expressly excludes any warranty of conformity to description, illustration or sample and extends no warranty that the hybrid triploid watermelon seed sold will produce "seedless" fruit. Appearance and performance may vary in other geographic locations and under different growing conditions. Descriptions and illustrations of hybrid triploid watermelons appearing (in the seed catalog and elsewhere) represent hybrid triploid watermelons as grown under favorable growing conditions in favorable growing areas. Twilley Seed Co., Inc.'s standard terms and conditions of sale. Growers are encouraged to develop expertise in growing hybrid triploid watermelons prior to instituting large-scale commercial production.Īll hybrid triploid watermelon seeds are sold pursuant to Otis S. can also supply certain information on request. Growers are encouraged to contact university extension personnel for government publications and information concerning recommended cultural practices. Hybrid triploids also require special care for satisfactory germination. The general rule is one pollenizer plant for every 3-4 seedless plants. Hybrid triploid watermelons require a pollen source and bees to serve as pollen vectors. Hybrid triploid watermelon production requires a high level of grower sophistication.

buttercup yellow melon

Due to the wide variety of possible causes of hard seed or ovule formation, Hybrid triploid watermelons are not guaranteed to produce seedless fruit. In addition, certain genetic, cultural and climatic factors are known to cause the formation of empty seed coats, small, white, immature seeds and/or hard seeds in the flesh of the melons. The first melons to ripen in a field of hybrid triploid watermelons often contain small, vestigial seeds. Despite the popular perception, hybrid triploid watermelons are not true "seedless" watermelons. Because the absence, or relative absence, of "hard" or true seeds in the fruit of the melon is its chief distinguishing characteristic, the hybrid triploid watermelon is often referred to as a "seedless" watermelon. Hybrid triploid watermelons are sterile, or true, hybrids which characteristically produce fruits with few or no true seeds. Because of their genetic makeup, triploid F1 watermelons must be planted with a diploid (regular hybrid or open-pollinated) variety as a pollenizer in order to assure fruit set.

buttercup yellow melon

For best results, we suggest starting seed in the greenhouse in peat pellets (on page 90) 3 weeks before outdoor planting time. We supply detailed growing instructions with your seed.

buttercup yellow melon

Please follow careful practices to grow triploid F1 watermelons successfully. Because of this, triploid F1 watermelons are not guaranteed to produce seedless fruit.Ī special note to growers of triploid F1 watermelons: Sometimes cultural practices or weather conditions may result in fruit with some vestigial seeds or empty white seed coats. Sometimes incorrectly referred to as "seedless", triploids are sterile hybrids which, because of their genetic makeup, characteristically produce fruit with few or no true seeds. No seeding necessary! And cut fruit displayed in shrink wrap is a sure seller. The flesh is absolutely tops in eating quality, market preference and consumer demand. They are waxier than diploid varieties, and bring high prices wherever they're marketed. If you grow for fresh market, triploid F1 watermelons are a crop you can count on to attract plenty of attention.

Buttercup yellow melon