
A coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf
A coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf

a coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf a coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf a coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf

We will discuss both the role of both metatheories in medicine, in particular in medical education in a clinical context. The two metatheories supplement each other, but are also incommensurable, i.e., they cannot be expressed in each other’s terms, for they employ completely different criteria to establish truth (Englebretsen in Bare facts and naked truths: a new correspondence theory of truth, Routledge, London, 2005). The second metatheory conceives of truth as correspondence, i.e., empirical accuracy. The first metatheory conceives of truth in terms of coherence (rationality, consistency): a body of knowledge is true when it contains no inconsistencies and has at least some credibility. In this paper, we will first discuss two current meta-theories dealing with different, aspects of “truth”.

A coherence theory of truth and knowledge pdf